

Privacy Guides 是個非營利、由志工驅動的計劃,營運著線上社群、發佈新聞和推薦注重隱私與安全的工具、服務和知識。

開始您的隱私旅程 推薦工具


“I have nothing to hide. 為何我該在意自己的隱私?”

就像異族通婚、女性參政權、言論自由等許多權利,我們的隱私權並非總是受到保障。 在一些獨裁政權下,根本無隱私可言。 前人已為隱私權奮鬥了數個世代。 隱私作為一種人權,是人人生而固有的權利 ,每個人都應當 (不受歧視地) 享受此權利。

你不應該把隱私和保密混為一談。 人人都知道浴室裏發生了什麼,但你仍然會把門關上。 這是因為您想要隱私,而不是保密。 每個人都有要保護的東西。 隱私讓我們之所以為人。

Why Privacy Matters


First, you need to make a plan

Trying to protect all your data from everyone all the time is impractical, expensive, and exhausting. 但是別擔心! 安全是一種過程,提前做好準備,相信您能制定出一個適合自己的計劃。 Security isn't just about the privacy tools you use or the software you download. 相反,它始於了解您面臨的獨特威脅,以及如何減輕它們。

這個識別威脅和定義對策的過程叫做 威脅模型 ,它構成了每個安全及隱私計劃的基礎。

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Trustworthy Privacy Software Reviews

Privacy Guides has a dedicated community independently reviewing various privacy tools and services. Each of our recommendations comply with a strict set of criteria to ensure they provide the most value to most people, and provide the best balance of privacy, security, and convenience. As part of a non-profit public charity, Privacy Guides has strict journalistic standards and policies to ensure our recommendations are free of conflict of interest, and we do not partner with providers or affiliate programs that could sway our reviews and recommendations.

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Top 3 Private Email Providers

  • Proton Mail logo Proton Mail

    Proton Mail is an email service with a focus on privacy, encryption, security, and ease of use. They have been in operation since 2013. Proton AG 總部位於瑞士日內瓦。 Proton Mail Free 方案隨附 500MB 的郵件儲存空間,可以免費增加至 1GB。

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  • Mailbox.org logo Mailbox.org

    Mailbox.org is an email service with a focus on being secure, ad-free, and privately powered by 100% eco-friendly energy. 自 2014 年 開始運營。 Mailbox.org 總部位於德國柏林。 初級帳戶有 2GB 儲存空間,可以根據需要升級。

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  • Tuta logoTuta logo Tuta

    Tuta (formerly Tutanota) is an email service with a focus on security and privacy through the use of encryption. Tuta has been in operation since 2011 and is based in Hanover, Germany. 免費帳戶提供 10GB 容量。

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Best VPN Services

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About Privacy Guides

Privacy Guides logo

Established in 2021 due to the difficulty of finding unbiased reviewers in the VPN and privacy space, Privacy Guides is the most popular, trustworthy, non-profit website that provides information about protecting your personal data security and privacy. Our crowdsourced recommendations and reviews of privacy tools and our community dedicated to helping others set us apart from other blogs and content creators. The team behind this project has been researching privacy and security in the open-source space for over 5 years, originally with a now-defunct web resource that eventually became the Privacy Guides millions of readers trust.

Our website is free of advertisements and not affiliated with any of the listed providers.

As seen in WIRED, Tweakers.net, The New York Times, and many other publications as a reliable source for privacy and security knowledge.

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What are privacy tools?

We recommend a wide variety of privacy tools (a.k.a. privacy apps, privacy utilities, privacy software) spanning software and hardware that you can adopt to improve your privacy. Many of the tools we recommend are completely free to use and open-source software, while some are commercial services available for purchase. Switching from mainstream data-hungry software like Google Chrome and Windows to privacy-focused tools like Brave and Linux can go a long way towards controlling the information you share with companies and others.

Our General Criteria

Why does privacy matter?

In the modern age of digital data exploitation, your privacy has never been more critical, yet many believe it is already a lost cause. 它不是 Your privacy is up for grabs, and you need to care about it. Privacy is about power, and it is so important that this power ends up in the right hands.

Many people get the concepts of privacy, security, and anonymity confused. 例如,人們批評各種產品“不私密”,而實際上他們是指這些產品不提供匿名功能。 本網站涵蓋了這三個主題,但重要的是須了解它們之間的區別,以及每個主題何時發揮作用。

Privacy vs Security vs Anonymity

We need you! Here's how to get involved:

對於像 Privacy Guides 這樣的網站來說,保持最新非常重要。我們需要讀者關注我們網站列出的應用程式的更新,並關注我們推薦供應商的最新消息。要跟上網際網路的快節奏很難,但我們會盡力而為。如果您發現錯誤,認為某個供應商不應該列出,注意到缺少合格的供應商,認為某個瀏覽器擴充功能不再是最佳選擇,或發現其他問題,請告訴我們。