

Donate to Privacy Guides and support our mission to defend digital rights and spread the word about mass surveillance programs and other daily privacy invasions. You can help Privacy Guides researchers, activists, and maintainers create informative content, host private digital services, and protect privacy rights at a time when the world needs it most.

Privacy Guides has been a nonstop effort for over 5 years to stay up to date with the world of cybersecurity and privacy, and to promote the benefits of privacy overall. This is a non-profit, community-driven project that would not be possible without the generous support of all our contributors.


目前,支持的最佳方式是透過 GitHub 贊助每月或一次性捐款。 我們很快就能透過其他支付平台接受捐款。

在 GitHub 上贊助我們

A new donation platform we control to make donating easier will be deployed soon. In the meantime, if you'd like to arrange a donation (including with cryptocurrency), please reach out to info@magicgrants.org.


Privacy Guides 是一個 非營利 組織。 我們將捐款用於各種目的,包括:

網站託管 :

本網站的流量每月使用大約是數百 GB,我們使用各種服務提供商來提供流量。

Domain Registrations :

We have a few domain names like privacyguides.org which cost us around $10 yearly to maintain their registration.

線上服務 :

We host internet services for testing and showcasing different privacy-products we like and recommend. Some of them are made publicly available for our community's use (SearXNG, Tor, etc.), and some are provided for our team members (email, etc.).

產品購買 :

我們偶爾會購買產品和服務,以測試我們的 推薦工具

Your donation will go to a dedicated fund within MAGIC Grants, a 501(c)(3) organization. 該資金將僅用於本專案項目。 您可獲得減稅資格。 如需要捐款收據,請發送電子郵件至 info@magicgrants.org


We strictly cannot use donations to support political campaigns/candidates or attempt to influence legislation. Earnings also will not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.


另一個支持我們的方是從 HelloTux 購買我們的商品。 每賣出一件 T-恤我們可獲得 $4元小額佣金,而您也可以得到一件優質商品。

在HelloTux.com 購買

Non-Financial Support

It takes a lot of people and work to keep Privacy Guides up to date and spread the word about privacy and mass surveillance. If you're looking for other ways to help out, consider getting involved by editing the site, joining our forum, or contributing translations.

您正在查看 Privacy Guides 的 英文 版本,由我們在 Crowdin 上出色的團隊翻譯。如有您發現錯誤,或在此頁面上看到任何未翻譯的部分,請考慮提供幫助! 訪問 Crowdin

You're viewing the 英文 copy of Privacy Guides, translated by our fantastic language team on Crowdin. If you notice an error, or see any untranslated sections on this page, please consider helping out!